Create a Bootable USB (Windows Vista/7)

Open a command prompt with administrator rights and enter the following sequence of commands:
   list disk
   select disk {number}
   create partition primary
   select partition 1
ormat fs=fat32 quick
In the "select disk" command, replace {number} with the drive number of your USB drive as indicated when you ran the "list disk" command. Check and double check you choose the correct number since this procedure erases everything on the drive you select.
Or download UNetbootin

Compressing with 7z

7z is very much useful in compressing large data.

yum install p7zip.x86_64 p7zip-plugins.x86_64

7za a -t7z -mx9 compressed.7z files_to_compress
(-mx9 maximum compression)

7z x compressed.7z dest_dir/

SVN Checksum Problem

If you are getting svn checksum error backup your changes and in case you are using SVN 1.7+ there is a workaround described
Just to recap:
  1. Go to the folder with the file causing problems
  2. Execute command svn update --set-depth empty
  3. Execute command svn update --set-depth infinity

How to recover the mysql root password ?

First stop the mysql service and Start to MySQL server without  password using this command 
# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables 
& Connect to mysql server using mysql client:
# mysql -u root and use below commands
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> update user set password=PASSWORD("NEW-ROOT-PASSWORD") where User='root';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit