Creating Local SVN Repository (Home Repository)

Hi, I wanted to create a Local (Home) Repository for my project to keep track of all changes which I was doing, So for that I created Local Repository from a existing project.

Here are the steps, how I created it.
Go to your home directory or where you want to put your repository
cd /home/demo/svnrepo

Creating Repository for Project myproj
svnadmin create myproj

The repository is in revision 0, so import the existing project into repository
svn import /root/myproj/ file:///home/demo/svnrepo/myproj/trunk -m "Initial import of myproj"
                 [Project Path]                 [Repository Path]

Checkout myproj Locally
svn co file:///home/demo/svnrepo/myproj/trunk /root/development/myproj

Checkout myproj Remotely
svn co svn+ssh://root@/home/demo/svnrepo/myproj/trunk /root/development/myproj

For detailed reading click here
Related Article Set Up An SVN Repository In 7 Simple Steps

Resuming Failed Download Using RSYNC

Situation : 
I have to download some big file from your server. but I don't have access to login in server system.
But using VPN you are able to downlaod some big file.

I tried downloading the big file from the server.
#wget /root/myfiles/mybigfile
But most of the time the download was not completing, and If I try it using rsync it will ask for password which I was not having, so con't download using rysnc.
So I had to restart it from the beginning (and most probably it fails again, because of some n/w issue)

But now I am able to resume the failed download and continue my task.

Here are the steps
We have other system (say which is local to server and I have credentials for that system.
So first of all I login to and download the bigfile there
#wget /root/workspace/mybigfile
As the system is local to server, downloading the file there is fast, it takes less than 1 minute.

So afer downloading the file on, I resume it using rsync.
rsync --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh root@ /root/myfiles/mybigfile
It will ask for the password, supply it, and the downlaod will resume

Project Lombok for Java

Project Lombok is a very good for keeping your class clean.
Use Annotation for most of the common things like getter/setter, equals, hashCode, toString etc.
If you gonna start a project from scratch, just give it a try.
learn more at Lombok Features
Watch video